I fredags gick den...

I fredags gick den brittiska Bafta-galan av stapeln och förra årets bästa spel korades i en rad kategorier. Något överraskande kneps finpriset "Årets spel" av Batman: Arkham Asylum, som även sopade hem kategorin "Gameplay". Även om storfavoriten Uncharted 2 fick klara sig utan prestigepriset gick det inte lottlöst - det lämnade galan med fyra utmärkelser. Battlefield 1943, det enda svenska bidraget, var nominerat i två kategorier ("Multiplayer", "Use of online"), men Dice fick klara sig utan priser.

En rolig sak jag hittade på internet

Hej alla, här är en liten rolig historia som jag hittade på internet.

Två Chineser satt på ett internet café och spelade Counter Strike och så blev de osams. En av spelarna anklagade den andra spelaren för att ha wallhack. Den spelaren som anklagade den andre för att ha wallhack blev så sur på spelaren med wallhack att han tog en 30cm lång kniv och högg in den i huvudet på den andre ovanför örat och rakt in. Och det sjuka är att killen som fick kniven i huvudet kommer att överleva och troligtvis inte få några som hällst men efter atacken eftersom att kniven missade allt vad nerver och motorik och rörelse heter.

Och vad lär man sig av detta då?
Jo fuska inte i Counter Strike.


Slutet på Modern Warfare?

Big drama today with publisher Activision and ‘Modern Warfare 2′ developers Infinity Ward. As of today the two company has been on a “tense” relationship with each other, since the time Activision had two mysterious men going into Infinity Ward studios.

Activision already filed a SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) to conduct an internal investigation on the “breaches of contract and insubordination” by two senior employees at Infinity Ward. The two top employees was none other than the head Chief Creative Officer of Infinity Ward Vince Zampella and President Jason West. This whole ordeal ended with Jason West and Vince Zampella being fired from Infinity Ward and it’s been confirmed by Jason West on his Twitter page that he is unemployed and Vince Zampella updated his unemployment status on his Linkedin page also.

Tim Schafer head of Double Fine studios also had a legal battle with Activison over their game ‘Brutal Legends’, which was dropped by Activision’s lineup, however, Activision also tried to stop Double Fine from releasing the game themselves.
Brutal Legend’s Tim Schafer had this to say on his Twitter account on the Infinity Ward controversy,

“Getting mad at Activision for this kind of thing is like getting mad at an ape for throwing feces. It’s just how the beast communicates.”

No reports on where Infinity Ward will be at this point, since both their top head officers are gone from the company. Even the go-to-guy Robert Bowling has no info on this matter as of now stating on his twitter, “I should also say, while I appreciate all the calls, tweets, messages and hearing my ringtone a lot. They’re in vain – as I have no info.”

[Update] It is reported that Infinity Ward has not recieved any royalties at all for Modern Warfare 2 and also Activision filed SEC was probably because Infinity Ward was believed to had discussion with rival publishers for signing a new agreement since the contract with Activision will be up in October. via. [Bingegamer]



Blizzard's New MMO Not Related To WoW

The newly-merged company still plans to branch out with its next online game.

December 12, 2007 - Blizzard has confirmed that it is working on a new massively multiplayer online game not connected to the World of Warcraft universe, according to a post on the official WoW message boards earlier this month.

Reported today by Wired's Game|Life blog, the assurance is music to the ears of MMO junkies jonesing for a new drug from the online gaming world's biggest brand.

In response to questions on the WoW boards about a recent job posting, Blizzard community rep Drysc confirmed that the company "an unannounced next-gen MMO." Anticipating the inevitable turn the thread would take, Drysc adds, "and that doesn't mean it's an expansion for World of Warcraft either."

In January, IGN reported that Blizzard (now part of the recently-formed Activision Blizzard) had plans for a new MMO and that it would not be based on WoW or anything too similar to the company's past projects.

Fears that the company's recent merger with Activision would lead to an endless churn of WoW clones would appear to be unfounded. A Blizzard rep was unavailable for immediate comment.

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